GLAIR Vision API uses standard HTTP response status codes to indicate success or failure.
In general: 2xx
codes indicate success.
codes indicate failure in the information provided (e.g. image too blurry, missing required parameter).
codes indicate failure in GLAIR Vision's servers.
HTTP response status codes
Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by GLAIR Vision API.
- Name
- Type
- Description
- Everything worked as expected.
- Name
400 - Bad Request
- Type
- Description
Problem with the request, e.g. image too blurry, missing required parameter.
- Name
401 - Unauthorized
- Type
- Description
Missing API Key or wrong username/password.
- Name
403 - Forbidden
- Type
- Description
The credential doesn't have permission to perform the request.
- Name
415 - Unsupported Media Type
- Type
- Description
Problem with the request when the uploaded image file type is not supported.
- Name
429 - Too Many Requests
- Type
- Description
Too many requests hit the API too quickly. It is advised to use exponential backoff to retry your request.
- Name
- Type
- Description
Something went wrong on GLAIR Vision's servers.